
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Berkley Orientation

So, the first part of my adventure has finally come to end. And what a fantastic journey it was. Many a memory was made inside the Putnam lounge and dorm rooms at Berkley University.
The plane ride itself was a pleasure. After switching places with a woman from Economy to Business class, I thoroughly enjoyed a 5 hour flight balancing studying for the ACT and watching Almost Human, Elementary and Thor :-).
After realizing how simple my Japanese is, embarrassing photos, AN ALL YOU CAN EAT COLLEGE STYLE BUFFET for every meal ( I honestly believe that I gained 2 pounds from all the fro-yo I ate ), and classes that drilled into our brains to NOT DO THE DO!!!, I was finally ready to embark to Japan.
But of course, fate and bad luck loves to screw with me and had a completely different plan for me and my fellow exchange students. We got stuck in an elevator.
For an hour and a half.
With 22 sweaty people.
In the heat.
And sweat.
Did I mention that it was hot as hell itself?
Yeah it was that bad. But I'm thankful that no one got seriously dehyrated or worse. But lets just say that personal b inoundaries were trampled on and completely destroyed. But being stuck butt to butt ( literally) with a cute sweaty dude wasn't so bad at first at least ;-). It was unanimously agreed that, and I quote, " Our dignity can suck it, is effing hot and I'm taking mah shirt off!!". So everyone,EVERYONE, started stripping. It truly was a moment bonding through skinship. I would have taken time to admire everyone's physique, but ya know, I was occupied with trying to BREATHE through the moist air.
So an hour and a half later, a whole playlist of kpop songs and several life stories later, were finally free!!!! The head of the orientation staff greeted us with a "yay you guys are freeeee and naked wooo".
All in all, it was a pretty swagtastic orientation. I made lots of new friends and I am so ready to go to Japan :-)
Also I think that technology failed epically because when we landed in Tokyo it said we were off of the coast of Africa....

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