Little candy shaped like Pokemon and Totoro :)
So cute and DELICIOUS...but deadly.
I had 4 of them.
My hands wont stop twitching.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Candy will be the death of me
Nara ( The Land of a butt-load of deer)
These deer are crazy with a capital C! If they so much as see you with some food they will literally charge towards you.
But after you feed them they let you pet them and oh my gosh they are so soft and tiny and adorable that I was able to forget the fact that the same deer rammed head first at my rear just a few seconds ago.
Unfortunately I now have an irrational fear that a deer will sneak up behind me, head butt me and somehow eat me.
My t-shirt still smells like fish...
I witnessed a guy literally pull a giant maguro (tuna) out of a tank, chop its head off, skin it (while the fish's body was still spasming) and then proudly display it.
But the fresh sashimi tasted great. Until my host mothers friend told me that she saw my fish move on my plate as I poured soy sauce on it...
It smelled bad.
Like, really REALLY bad.
But it was alot of fun to see all the weird fish for sale.
Oh and also I saw a Kamen Rider show (*ahem Japanese 3 :) )
This country has an unhealthy obsession with this movie...
But that obsession produced some very tasty bread.
If I hear "Let it Go" one more time (English or Japanese) I swear I'll start swinging.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Summer Festival
It was a magical evening. I think it might have been the best day I've had so far on this trip :)
Oh and that last picture of me standing in front of a poster pointing to a red dot, well that was a game of luck where a spinny-wheel thing rolled out a colored ball and it determined your prize. I got the red ball. Which is the jackpot. I am now the proud owner of a new Japanese toaster.
Cleaning and Gifts
Well I've been in school for a while now so I decided to give my closest friends a small gift from the U.S. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get more excited to get a bag in my life. They were full on fangirling. It made me very happy :)
After school also we have to sweep the floors and basically wipe down every single nook and cranny until you can eat off the floor. (The teachers put extra emphasis on that last part. They're scary strict.) But we get to wear cute little aprons so its ok :)